Morgan le Fey Winter School

Discovering Morgan le Fay as Initiatrix, Queen, Sorceress and Underworld Goddess



Morgan le Fey. Enigmatic Queen of Avalon. Enchantress. High priestess. Mistress of what is Unseen. Faery Queen. Twilit Shapeshifter. Sacred Alchemist. Keeper of the Path into Darkness.

So many of us have grown up enchanted with Morgen le Fey as she appears in our culture, but have discovered…. She is a hard goddess to know.

Her origins are shrouded in mystery and controversy.

Her form is ever-shifting like the mists of Avalon – sorcerer, healer, seductress…

How can we know her?

How can we answer the cry of our heart’s longing, the passionate whisper calling us into Her Sisterhood of Avalon?

How can we walk with Morgana into the twilight?


Join me in this four week mystery school to know, honour and adore the Goddess of Avalon, Morgen le Fey.

Morgana is keeper of the Veiled Mystery, of the sacred practices of the feminine. To know her, we have to look within; we have to listen whole-heartedly, love without boundary, and relax into the stillness of the twilight – to walk the edge between dream and wakefulness, to seek the sacred in the edges of modern life, to we willing to stand in changeable contradiction and relax into the ever-flowing essence of her waters.

She is a Goddess who do whatever it takes to further you on your path: a lightning initatrix, an oath-keeper, a pathfinder.

As the lady of Mystery, of Inner Knowing, it is a personal path you will walk with her. You will rely on your own revealed experiences, your own intuitive hits, your own experience to guide you on your journey with her. She appears as she needs to appear – and as shapeshifter, she has many faces.

Morgen Mystery School is a four-week devotional course, working with the tides of moon, to bring you into full experience of Her in your live. I will give you rituals, meditations, exercises, lectures. invocations and sacred practices to expand your knowledge of Her, deepen your experience, and bring you into deep reverence and receptivity of her gifts.

One full moon cycle to deepen into her mystery.

One moon of devotion.

One moon of reverence.

One moon of walking the twilight with Morgen le Fey.

In this mystery school, we will be spending one lunar month working in devotion with the Goddess Morgan le Fay, uncovering her story, communing with her energy, and walking her path. Morgan le Fay is a multi faceted shapeshifter goddess, and in these four weeks we will study some of her faces which correspond to the waning, dark half of the year: Morgana as the Initiatrix, the Queen, the High Priestess and the Sourceress.

Each week, you will be receiving:



Each week you will receive a beautifully designed PDF to guide you on your Morgan journey, including exercises, prayers, devotional assignments and lots of yummy info about Morgan le Fey and land of Avalon - a perfect guidebook to your lunar journey with the four faces of Morgan le Fay



Each week there will be a ritual to open up your connection to the four faces of Morgan le Fey we will be working with in this course: Initiatrix, Sorceress, High Priestess and Queen of the Underworld. Two rituals will be held Online in our Morgan Mystery School Facebook Group, two will be gorgeous ceremonies for you to practice at home and make your own.

“The rituals were fabulous!”


Every week you will receive a guided meditation connecting you to Morgana le Fey and the mythic landscape of Avalon: the White Spring, the Red Spring, Glastonbury Tor, and the Lake, that you can use over and over again. Guided meditations are my speciality, and I guarantee magical expereicnes will happen for you!

Loved the meditations! You are so talented at creating those, I know I will return to use them again and again.

Upon signing up for the course, you will receive access to our Prep Work! I am a big believer in preparatory work. You will receive a rich PDF filled with the stories and history of Morgan le Fay - as a goddess, as a character in the Arthurian romances, and a little bit about her portrayal in modern life.

So as soon as you sign up (through Teachable: if you choose the Paypal payment button it might take me a couple of days to do the admin to get you access to the course) you can start learning about Morgan le Fay. \

You will also have access to our Morgan Winter School Facebook Group, to share your journeys and adventures with your Morgan Sisters, and we will have lots of prompts on there to help you dive deeper with the material.

Each week, we will have a Q&A livestream on Facebook, so you can ask me all your yummy Morgan le Fay questions.

“I loved the devotional aspect – creating the shrine, leaving her offerings, creating freestyle incantations, prayers, and “seducing” Her felt really great. I loved the meditations. I loved that each week’s coursework was FULL of ideas and exercises to try…there was so much to choose from, and I love that at the end you gave a recap and what to focus on depending on how much time we had.”

“I actually found I wanted more. I’ve just re-dedicated and started another month, going back over the material. It was so rich and there is so much–I feel I barely scratched the surface the first time through.”

“I personally found the hands-on practical aspects of being led through the ritual very helpful, and I was glad to have the community that the Facebook page facilitated as well.”

“The weekly livestream chats were super cool; it was like you were our professor with “office hours” and we were part of an actual school. I think I only got to do the first ritual (and was interrupted by my kiddos), but I love that you offered them, and love the idea of women from all around the world attuning to Morgana’s energy at the same time”

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course begins with the New Moon on the 5th April, and we finish with the New Moon on the 4th May. You will be given preparatory work and PDF's to complete upon signing up, so you get to start straight away.
How will the course be delivered?
All your resources will be here on our Teachable portal, ready for you to see at any time. The lessons will be released week by week, and an email will be sent out every week with links back to access the PDF, your Meditation, and the weekly Ritual. Two rituals will be Live, held and recorded in our private Facebook Group – if you miss it, you can just pop onto our Facebook Group to watch the replay. Hurrah! We will have a private Facebook Group for everyone to connect and chat about assignments on – Morgan Mystery School is such a wonderful community!
What if I don’t have time to do EVERYTHING?
Don’t worry! I get it. Morgana teaches us to go with the flow and let things unfold in their own time. I offer weekly Office Hours and our fortnightly Live Ritual, which are both recorded do you can watch them later if you can't make them live. We have our weekly meditation and lots and LOTS of suggested ways you can connect in with Morgan in our PDF, and you get to pick and choose what you want to do each week because you are an adult get to make your own decisions - you don't have to do everything I suggest every week, and you don't have to complete everything perfectly to move on! At the end of each PDF I include a Suggested Practices for people with very little time, so you have a guide to how to sneak Morgan into your every day life if you have a lot going on, so you don't feel behind. All of our resources are downloadable, so you can return to them at a later date - in a few weeks, in a few months, or even a year later.
Are refunds available with this course?
I'm afraid there are no refunds with this course - make sure you want to meet and play with Morgan le Fay for a month before you sign up!
Can I pay by card? Do I need a Paypal Account to register?
I have two payment options for you - you can pay the full amount with a credit or debit card through the Teachable site, which takes you to process payments through Stripe, and gain instant access to your prepwork documents - woohoo! Or, you can pay for the payment plan through Paypal, and it will take me a day or two to manually add you to the Teachable platform. In an ideal world, Paypal would integrate seamlessly with Teachable and we would all be wonderful and simple - alas, Teachable is only friends with Stripe, and I know that many folks much prefer paying through Paypal and would like a super easy payment plan (because I love super easy payment plans!) so I wanted to make sure I offered you all that.

I, Demelza Fox, am a Priestess and Ritualist of the Goddess and a Priestess of Morgan le Fay. I’ve been a witch following the Goddess path for 18 years, and spent my 20’s learning and studying the arts of the Priestess.

My path to where I am today has been initiated and lead by Morgan le Fey, who has been my patron and guiding goddess for the last 13 years. My experiences with her have transformed my life, leant me the courage I needed to achieve my dreams, and lit the path to deepen always into the mystery of what it means to walk with Goddess. I have studied the mysteries of Avalon for many years, am a sister of Avalon in the Glastonbury Goddess Temple Avalonian tradition, a Priestess of Rhiannon trained by Katinka Soetens in Glastonbury Avalon, and I work as a practical priestess in the world running rituals, women’s circles, creating dances and helping women heal their body shame.

I know I cannot walk your path for you: Morgana is a goddess of direct revelatory information, and I do not know what it is She wants to share with you right now: will she ask you to face your darkness, ask you to breathe into your fears? Or will she take your hand the dawn path, lit by the wonder of the faeries? I do not know. She can go either way. She’s tricksy like that. But I do know that in this course I will give you all the tools and structure and guidance you need to craft your own intimate pathway with her in the Void of the year.

"I've had the pleasure of taking several courses with Demi Fox and count her teachings as one of the biggest influences on my spiritual practice and journey as a witch. The thing I love the most about Demi is how real she is. She has this gift of being able to straddle the chasm between being utterly pragmatic and also divinely magickal and she's so incredibly good at teaching others how to do the same. When I take a course from Demi, I never feel bad about myself for not being enough or doing enough. She's learned how to embody the divine through the mundanity of real life, which when it comes down to it, is what this work is all about."



Registration for Morgan le Fay Winter Mystery School is £55. You can pay in full through the Teachable link below or the Paypal Option, or you can choose our easy Paypal Payment Plan option.

Our Payment Plan is two fortnightly payments of £28: the second payment will come out two weeks after you register.

Registration is open until 10am GMT on Monday 25th November: our course begins with the New Moon on the same day.

This course is closed for enrollment.

Morgan le Fay has been a magical influence on my life, and I hope if you are called by her mystery you will join me on this lunar devotion to her!